The Influence of Cutting Fluid on the Critical Cutting Condition in Precision Machining of Optical Glass 切削液对光学玻璃精密切削临界切削条件影响的研究
The article analyzes the characteristic and the working condition of the cutting fluid using in electrical discharge machining ( EDM). 分析线切割工作液的工作特点及工作状态,从生产实践中总结出科学合理选择使用工作液的方法。
Withstanding Mechanical Degradation of the Polyacrylamide Solution in Copper Tube Permeability of Cutting Fluid in Minimum Quantity Lubrication Precision Turning 紫铜管中聚丙烯酰胺水溶液抗剪切特性最小量润滑精密车削中切削液的渗透性
The effect of cutting fluid in mechanical machining and merits of concentrate filtering were introduced. 介绍了T形钠截止阀阀体的结构、特点及机械加工方法。
Experimental results show that the prepared cutting fluid has excellent features in high abrasion resistance, rust proof and stability. 实验结果表明:该切削液具有良好的高抗磨性、防锈性和稳定性,其抗磨性能明显高于国外同类产品。
Mobilcut ST is an additive concentrate for the treatment of cutting fluid emulsions and solutions – and water treatment systems. 美孚克特切削油ST是一种添加剂浓缩液用作乳化及水溶性切削液的处理剂,也可用在水处理系统中。
This cutting fluid has good rustproof, fast cooling, lubricity, easy cleaning and long life period ( 100 days), doesn't irritate the skin, is environment protection products. 该切削液具有良好的防锈性、冷却性、润滑性、清洗性,且它的使用周期长(100天),不刺激皮肤,属于环保型切削液产品。
Research on Rust-inhibiting and Anti-corrosion Performances of Water-based Microemulsion Cutting Fluid all stainless steel, water-resistant, antimagnetic and shockproof 水基微乳化切削液的防锈和防腐蚀性能的研究全不锈钢,防水、防磁、防震
To solve the problem, the XF0362 cutting fluid changes its performance after addition of anti-saponification solution P-01, thus prevents saponification from happening. 而XF0362切削液为了解决温度与浓度对切削液皂化作用的影响,在添加抗皂化剂P-01后改变其性能,从而解决了皂化现象。
Oligocene erosion had truncated the sediments draped over the dome. Research on Rust-inhibiting and Anti-corrosion Performances of Water-based Microemulsion Cutting Fluid 覆盖于穹丘上的沉积岩为渐新世侵蚀所截削。水基微乳化切削液的防锈和防腐蚀性能的研究
An engineering example of using batch processing for the pretreatment of metal water based waste cutting fluid is introduced. 介绍了采用批处理工艺对金属水基切削废液进行预处理的工程实例。
Electro-catalytic oxidation of titanium-based PbO_2 electrode to the treatment of water-based cutting fluid wastewater PbO2/Ti电极电催化氧化处理水基切削液废水
The conditions which have an important influence on metal cutting are work material, cutting tool material, cutting tool geometry, cutting speed, feed rate, depth of cut and cutting fluid used. 对金属切削有重要影响的条件有工件材料、刀具材料、刀具几何形状、切削速度、进给率、切削深度和所用的切削液。
HIGHCLEAN is a nonflammable water-soluble cutting fluid of high performance and storage durability. HIGHCLEAN是高性能和存贮耐久性不易燃的溶于水乳化切削油。
The Preparation of Macromolecular Flocculants and Water Based Cutting Fluid Wastewater Treatment; Or they can make him unable to control the release of liquid waste from his body. 高分子絮凝剂的制备及水基切削液废液处理或者无法控制体内的液体废物的排泄。
Through the understanding of the cutting's work demand, the function and requirement of the cutting fluid ( oil) was analyzed. 通过对切削加工的工况要求的了解,分析了切削液(油)应该具有的功能及要求。
The effects of rust inhibitors, hard water and surfactants on synthetic cutting fluid were investigated. 结果表明,选择合适的功能添加剂调配的合成切削液防锈性能较好,并适应较高硬度的水。
Direct Determination of Mercury in Cutting Fluid and Machining Process Waste Fluid 切削液和机床排泄物中汞的测定-直接测汞法
Boric acid ester, tri ethanolamine salt of substituted benzoic acid and sodium gluconate were used as anti rust additives in water based cutting fluid. 以硼酸酯、取代苯甲酸乙醇胺盐、葡萄糖酸钠三者为混合防锈剂应用于切削液中,其中硼酸酯和取代苯甲酸乙醇胺盐有明显的协同效应。
Maximum sawing or filling thickness of work Permeability of Cutting Fluid in Minimum Quantity Lubrication Precision Turning 工件锯割或锉削最大厚度最小量润滑精密车削中切削液的渗透性
The spindle electrode head of EDM completing working and retracting, until entirely leaving the cutting fluid, will obtain the resistant effect of liquid. 电火花成形机主轴电极头在回退、直至完全离开工作液的过程中,会受到工作液对其表面产生的阻力作用。
Through analysis and research on cutting fluid used by the bearing grinding process, new environment protection conducting polyaniline water-based antirust cutting fluid is selected. 分析研究轴承磨加工工序所用的切削液,并选出新型环保导电聚苯胺水性防锈切削液进行试验。
The small goldfish was used to evaluate the ecotoxicity of a certain microemulsion cutting fluid. 采用小金鱼对配制的一种微乳化切削液进行毒性试验。
Determination of Nitrite in Oil-based Cutting Fluid and Machining Process Waste Fluid by Ion Chromatography 离子色谱法测定油基切削液和机床排泄物中亚硝酸根
Introduction of antiseptic and waterproofing mortar used in pipe inner liner Research on Rust-inhibiting and Anti-corrosion Performances of Water-based Microemulsion Cutting Fluid 北京东海防水系统及应用技术介绍(一)管道内衬防腐防水砂浆简述水基微乳化切削液的防锈和防腐蚀性能的研究
The model gives the base theory for selecting high efficiency cutting fluid. 从而为高效切削液的选用提供了理论依据。
The oil cutting fluid has the wide foreground of researching and developing. 油基切削液的研究和发展有广阔前景。
Cutting fluid is the important related material in metal cutting process. 切削液是金属切削加工中的重要配套材料。
In the traditional cutting process, the extensive use of cutting fluid has brought a lot of negative impacts. 传统切削加工中,切削液的大量使用带来了很多负面的影响。